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Diplomacy on the Jordan [electronic resource] : International Conflict and Negotiated Resolution

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Diplomacy on the Jordan [electronic resource] : International Conflict and Negotiated Resolution
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Diplomacy on the Jordan [electronic resource] : International Conflict and Negotiated Resolution

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Author: Haddadin, Munther J

Added by: sketch

Added Date: 2016-01-12

Language: eng

Subjects: Geography, Hydraulic engineering, Agriculture, Environmental management, Environmental economics, Agriculture, Environmental economics, Environmental management, Geography, Hydraulic engineering

Publishers: Boston, MA : Springer US

Collections: folkscanomy miscellaneous, folkscanomy, additional collections

ISBN Number: 9781461515135, 1461515130

Pages Count: 600

PPI Count: 600

PDF Count: 1

Total Size: 251.63 MB

PDF Size: 58.58 MB

Extensions: djvu, gif, pdf, gz, zip, torrent, log, mrc

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Media Type: texts

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Diplomacy on the Jordan [electronic resource] : International Conflict and Negotiated Resolution

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Diplomacy on the Jordan [electronic resource] : International Conflict and Negotiated Resolution

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Diplomacy on the Jordan [electronic resource] : International Conflict and Negotiated Resolution
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Diplomacy on the Jordan: International Conflict and Negotiated Resolution
Author: Munther J. Haddadin
Published by Springer US
ISBN: 978-1-4613-5591-5
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4615-1513-5

Table of Contents:

  • Plans for the Jordan River Basin
  • Resorting to Diplomacy
  • Attempts at Reconciliation — Johnston’s Shuttle Diplomacy
  • Preventive Diplomacy
  • Spinning Out of Control
  • Water for the Jordan Valley
  • The Sand Bar
  • The Middle East Peace Process
  • The Common Agenda
  • The Process Continues
  • The Peace Treaty
  • The Challenge of Implementation

The Jordan River waters are essential for the development and well being of the people of its basin. Plans for the development of its water resources were considered since the beginning of the twentieth century, and have long been central to dispute between riparian nations. This volume reviews the roots of conflict over the Jordan between Arabs and Jews and the development of that conflict over the past 150 years. It analyzes the positions of Arabs and Israelis and the role of the United States in promoting a settlement. The work then presents the development of a negotiated resolution of that part of the conflict related to Jordan and Israel through the Middle East Peace Process. This book approaches the Jordanian-Israeli water affairs in the Jordan River Basin with a wide interdisciplinary perspective. It unfolds the full history of the dispute and negotiation process, beginning in the 1950s and ending with the water accord in 1974
I -- Plans for the Jordan River Basin -- 1. Geography -- 2. Historical Developments -- 3. Western Missions to Palestine -- 4. Early Zionist Missions -- 5. The British Mandate Period -- 6. End of the Mandate- Creation of Israel -- 7. Conflicting Water Plans -- 8. Unilateral Implementation of the Plans -- 9. Involvement of the United States -- II -- Resorting to Diplomacy -- 1. The Chas T Main/ TVA Plan -- 2. The Johnston Shuttle Diplomacy -- 3. The Arab Counterproposals- The Arab Plan (1954) -- 4. The Israeli Counterproposals -- The Cotton Plan (1954) -- III -- Attempts at Reconciliation -- The Johnston's Shuttle -- 1. Negotiating with the Arab Side- Second Round -- 2. Negotiating with the Israelis-Second Round -- 3. American Evaluation of the Second Round -- 4. Johnston's Third Round -- 5. Johnston's Fourth Round -- IV -- Preventive Diplomacy -- 1. The Arm's Race -- 2. The Lahoud Plan for the Jordan Basin -- 3. The East Ghor Canal Project -- 4. The Suez Crisis and its Aftermath -- 5. Launching the Pilot Scheme in the Jordan Valley -- 6. Israeli Response to the Yarmouk Diversion Project -- 7. Israeli -- American Differences -- 8. Contacts with the World Bank -- 9. Criddle's Follow Up Mission- Relaxation of U.S Pressure -- 10. Water in Arab Political Rivalries -- 11. The Adasiyya Diversion Weir -- 12. Summary of Jordan Waters' Problem -- V -- Spinning Out of Control -- 1. The Arab Response to the Israeli Project -- 2. The Arab Cold War Heats Up -- 3. Arab Efforts Resurrected- The Arab Summit -- 4. Appraisals and Reactions -- 5. The Second Arab Summit -- 6. U.S. Interventions with Israel -- 7. Clashes across the Cease Fire Lines -- 8. Arab Disarray Prior to the June Explosion -- 9. The June 1967 Explosion -- VI -- Water for the Jordan Valley -- 1. The Aftermath of the 1967 War -- 2. Rehabilitation and Development of the Jordan Valley -- 3. Water Supply From the Yarmouk -- 4. The Ramadan/ Yom Kippur War of 1973 -- 5. Resumption of the Development Effort -- 6. Water Contribution From the Yarmouk and Side Wadis -- 7. The Maqarin Dam -- 8. Reverting to Shuttle Diplomacy -- 9. A Source for Municipal Water -- 10. A Mission to Damascus -- 11. Habib's Last Visit -- VII -- The Sand Bar -- 1. Importance of the Yarmouk -- 2. Contacts to Clean the Sand Bar -- 3. The First Cleaning Operation -- 4. A Call After Midnight -- 5. The Pleasant Surprise -- 6. The Israeli Reaction -- 7. Off- Canal Storage Found -- 8. The Picnic Table -- 9. A Daring Operation on the Yarmouk -- 10. A Scary Presentation -- 11. American Interest and Follow-Up -- 12. Removal of the Sand Bar -- 13. The Maqarin Project Revived -- VIII -- The Middle East Peace Process -- 1. Back to Shuttle Diplomacy -- 2. Jordan Gets Ready -- 3. The Bilateral Negotiations Start -- 4. A Water Meeting with the Americans -- 5. Developments in the Bilateral Track -- 6. The Multilateral Conference: The Vienna Chat -- 7. Substance in the Bilaterals -- 8. The Washington Encounter -- 9. A Visit by the United States Ambassador -- IX -- The Common Agenda -- 1. Need for a Breakthrough -- 2. Publication of the Draft Common Agenda -- 3. The Reaction in Jordan -- 4. Israeli Reaction -- 5. Israeli Proposal for Water Agenda -- 6. Replacement in the Delegation -- X -- The Process Continues -- 1. Rejoining the Delegation -- 2. Validation of the Water Strategy -- 3. A Meeting with the Prime Minister -- 4. Resumption of the Peace Process -- 5. Water, Energy and Environment -- 6. Majali the Prime Minister -- 7. Substantive Water Talks -- 8. The Oslo Accords -- 9. The Trilateral Economic Committee -- 10. The Jordan Rift Valley -- 11. Fast Turns in Events -- 12. The Bilaterals in The Rift Valley -- 13. Water at the Moria Plaza -- 14. Terms of Reference, JRV -- 15. Involvement of the World Bank -- 16. Meetings in Beit Gibrael -- 17. The September Turn -- XI -- The Peace Treaty -- 1. The Bilaterals Merge with the Trilateral -- 2. The Visit to Hashimyyah -- 3. A Review of Potential Positions -- 4. Serious Negotiations Commence -- 5. The Peace Treaty Concluded -- 6. The Middle East- North Africa Economic Summit -- 7. At the Multilateral Working Group on Water Resources -- 8. Public Campaign -- XII -- The Challenge of Implementation -- 1. The Mechanism of Implementation -- 2. Resolution of Points of Contention -- 3. Stalling factors -- 4. The Ministerial Confrontation -- 5. The Diversion Weir and Lake Tiberias Storage -- 6. The Fall of Majali's (Peace) Government -- Appendices

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