[PDF] Cardboard Clock Square - eBookmela

Cardboard Clock Square

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Cardboard Clock Square

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Book Name:Cardboard Clock Square
Author:Leonid Yakhnin
Publisher:mir publication
Topics:children's books, English, Additional Collections, Mir Titles, mir-titles; children's book, story book, picture book, soviet literature
Item Size: 10 MB ℹ️Size May not be accurate.
Total Pages: 65 ℹ️Page is accurate.
Total Views: 785
Downloads: 770
Download Link : Available ✔️
File Format: PDF / ZIP / EPUB
PDF ID: 436111
Added Date: October 29, 2023
Last Update: October 29, 2023

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“Cardboard Clock Square” by Leonid Yakhnin is a philosophical novel that explores the themes of time, identity, and the nature of reality. The story revolves around the protagonist, Max, who wakes up one morning to find himself in a strange world where everything is made out of cardboard.

In this surreal world, Max discovers a remarkable square-shaped clock that seems to control time itself. As he watches the clock, he is confronted with profound questions about existence and the meaning of life. The clock becomes a symbol for time, representing the fleeting nature of human existence.

Max embarks on a journey to understand the purpose of the cardboard clock square and his place in this alternate reality. Along the way, he encounters a diverse cast of characters, each representing different perspectives on life and time. With each interaction, Max gains new insights, challenging his own beliefs and prompting him to question the nature of his reality.

Through poetic prose and thought-provoking dialogue, Yakhnin delves into philosophical concepts such as existentialism and metaphysics. He skillfully intertwines these ideas with the narrative, creating a compelling and introspective story that encourages readers to ponder the nature of time and their own place in the world.

“Cardboard Clock Square” is a deeply contemplative and engaging novel that examines timeless philosophical questions. Yakhnin’s artful storytelling and exploration of existential themes make this book a captivating read for anyone interested in philosophy, metaphysics, and the nature of reality.

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