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alternative sociology of allama muhammad taqi jafari | Seyed Javad Miri

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alternative sociology of allama muhammad taqi jafari

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Author: Seyed Javad Miri

Total Files: 18

Media Type: texts


Alternative Sociology: Probing into the Sociological Thought of Allama Muhammad Taqi Jafari, Alternative Sociology, Allama Muhammad Taqi Jafari, Allma M.T. Jafari, Seyed Javad Miri, London Academy of Iranian Studies Press, Relocating Scientific Rationality in Humanitiesm, Human Sciences and Being, Normativity versus Descriptivity, Geisteswissenschaften and the Intelligible Model, The Scientific Inquiry and The Concept of Human Being, The Perils of Reductionism, Compartmentalization of Mind,  Sociology and Three Kinds of Relationships, Human Sciences, Values and Understanding,
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