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an introduction to islam | Maqbul Hussein Rahim

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an introduction to islam

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Author: Maqbul Hussein Rahim

Added by: alhassanain2014

Added Date: 2018-05-14

Language: eng

Subjects: An Introduction to Islam, Maqbul Hussein Rahim,,,, Articles of Faith, 1. Unity of God, 2. Justice of God, Compulsion or Freedom?, 3. Prophethood, 4. Resurrection, 5. Imaamah, The Sunni View, Development of Jurisprudence and Theology, A. The Shi’a School, B. The Sunni School, Acts of Worship, 1. Salaah (The Daily Prayers), 2. Sawm (Fasting), 3. Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca), 4. Zakaat (The Wealth Tax), The Doctrine of Five Pillars, 1. Jihad Struggle or Striving, The Major Jihad: (Jihad Al-Akbar), The Minor Jihad (Jihad Al-Asghar), 2. Amr Bi’l-Ma'Aroof (Directing Others towards Good), 3. Khums (The One-Fifth Tax), Other Acts of Piety, Theocentricity, Pursuit of Knowledge, Parents, Charity, Resisting Oppression, Justice, Lewdness and Indecencies, Idle Chatter, Slander and Infringement of Privacy, The Freeing of Slaves, Reasoning and Reflection, Other Good Deeds, Women in Islam, Dress, Marriage, Temporary Marriage (Mutah), Polygamy, Divorce, Political Science, The Qur’an & Modern Science, The Sky, The Planets, Celestial organization, Conquest of space, The Earth, The Water Cycle, Origin of Life in Water, Vegetable and animal reproduction, Animal communities, Bees, Spiders, Human reproduction, Islamic Jurisprudence, Islamic Culture?, Muslims in Great Britain.

Collections: opensource, community

Pages Count: 60

PPI Count: 300

PDF Count: 1

Total Size: 29.81 MB

PDF Size: 536.6 KB

Extensions: htm, pdf, zip, gz, torrent

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Media Type: texts

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