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Problems In Quantum Mechanics | I.I. Gol'dma; V.D. Krivchenkov; V.I. Kogan; V.M. Galitskii (authors) D. Ter Haar (Editor)

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Problems In Quantum Mechanics

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Author: I.I. Gol'dma; V.D. Krivchenkov; V.I. Kogan; V.M. Galitskii (authors) D. Ter Haar (Editor)

Added by: mirtitles

Added Date: 2022-02-08

Publication Date: 1975

Language: eng

Subjects: quantum mechanics, problem book, problems and solutions, one dimensional motion, tunnelling effect, angular momentum, spin, atoms, molecules, scattering, density matrix, relativistic wave equations

Collections: mir-titles, additional collections

Pages Count: 300

PPI Count: 300

PDF Count: 1

Total Size: 181.20 MB

PDF Size: 9.79 MB

Extensions: pdf, gz, html, zip, torrent

Year: 1975

Archive Url

Downloads: 3.33K

Views: 53.33

Total Files: 15

Media Type: texts


A comprehensive collection of problems of varying degrees of difficulty in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, with answers and completely worked-out solutions. Among the topics: one-dimensional motion, transmission through a potential barrier, commutation relations, angular momentum and spin, and motion of a particle in a magnetic field. An ideal adjunct to any textbook in quantum mechanics, useful in courses in atomic and nuclear physics, mathematical methods in physics, quantum statistics and applied differential equations. 

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