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Plasma Astrophysics | S. A. Kaplan, V. N. Tsytovich

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Plasma Astrophysics

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Author: S. A. Kaplan, V. N. Tsytovich

Added by: mirtitles

Added Date: 2022-05-03

Publication Date: 1973

Language: eng

Subjects: physics, astrophysics, plasma, turbulence, wave interaction in plasma, non-linear waves, plasma spectrum, plasma excitation, diffusion of charged particles, electromagnetic radiation, solar radio-emission, ultra-relativistic particles in plasma, radio astronomy, galactic nuclei, radio-galaxies, quasars, pulsars, relativistic plasma

Collections: mir-titles, additional collections

Pages Count: 300

PPI Count: 300

PDF Count: 1

Total Size: 220.51 MB

PDF Size: 8.53 MB

Extensions: epub, pdf, gz, html, zip, torrent

Year: 1973

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Downloads: 901

Views: 951

Total Files: 16

Media Type: texts


The authors considered the task of writing a book in which fairly complicated topics would be presented, if possible, in an intelligible form without sacrificing the exactness and generality of a qualitative description of the physics of the various phenomena and their mathematical formulation. The book is not intended solely for astrophysicists. The problems of the theory of the interaction of fast particles with a plasma, their radiation, and the behaviour of a plasma in a very strong magnetic field are of interest also for the study of laboratory plasmas.

The first chapter of the book gives at a relatively elementary, but physically rigorous, level the general ideas of the nature of collective plasma processes and ofplasma turbulence, using the method of elementary excitations, developed by one of the authors and expounded in more detail in other monographs (Tsytovich, 1970, 1971a, 1972b). This chapter serves essentially as an introduction to the other three chapters which contain the main contents of the book and are devoted to the actual analysis of plasma processes on the Sun (Chapter 2), in objects such as galactic nuclei and quasars (Chapter 3) and in pulsars (Chapter 4). The authors have attempted to write the general theoretical part of these chapters independent of the actual estimates, bearing in mind possible future applications of the theory and probable new astrophysical discoveries. The same purpose is also served by the detailed tables of the probabilities of various processes in the Appendix—where we also indicate methods to apply them—where we have given in a convenient form also the probabilities which were not directly used in the book.

The topics of the present book are based upon lectures given by V. N. Tsytovich at the Moscow State University (in 1968 to 1971) and in the Institute of Cosmic Studies (in 1971) and by S. A. Kaplan at the Gor’kil State University (in 1968 to 1971).

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